We provide the high quality forensic science products, Investigation Tools and Crime Scene supplies to – Forensic Science labs, Govt. Depts, Firms, Police Units, Institutions, Detective agencies, and Professional Investigators etc.…
Forensic Science often requires the complementary interaction of a wide range of scientific specialities and disciplines and seeks to provide answers to a number of questions.Questions such as:
Marks and impressions left at a crime scene vary in their value of individualisation. The types of marks that may be identified at a crime scene will be fingerprints (from the tips of the fingers and thumbs), palm prints, and any marks made by skin present on the soles of the feet. Other types of marks or impressions that may also be present at a crime scene are footwear marks, tire marks and tool marks.
Questioned document (Signature Verification & Handwriting Analysis) refers to any signature, handwriting, typewriting, or other mark whose source or authenticity is in dispute. Documents that come under the examiner's purview include wills, contracts, letters, fake certificates, ration card, threatening letters, suicide notes, ransom notes, passports, licenses, photocopies and the like. Forensic Document Examination is an established field of scientific study primarily meant for identification of forgery as well as to establish the authenticity of documents in dispute. Questioned Document Examination has played a major role in investigating criminal and non-criminal cases like murder, forgery, corporate crimes, counterfeiting, organized crimes and sex crimes.
Cyber Forensics experts will assist you in protection of your most important information. All of our cyberforensics experts are qualified and are great at services like mobile device forensics, cellular triangulation and social media investigations.